



食品 — 生物科技強制性標示規定

臺灣於 2015年 5月發布生物科技產品標示規定,涵蓋包裝食品、食品添加劑及散裝食品,規範使用生物科技生產的原料及該原料直接製造而成的高層次加工食品,例如使用基因轉殖 玉米所製成的玉米糖漿,必須標示「基因轉殖食品」,但該玉米糖漿所製成飲料則毋需作此標示。標示含量的門檻為3%(原有規定為5%),餐廳及供應食物的營業場所均需遵守此規定。包裝食品及食品添加劑的標示規定自 2015 年 12 月 31 日開始實施,散裝食品則分成2015 年 7 月 1 日、10 月 1 日及 12 月 31 日共 3 階段實施。美國持續在 2015 年 10 月 1 日臺美「貿易暨投資架構協定(TIFA)」及WTO 技術性貿易障礙委員會關切此規定缺乏科學基礎,且將影響貿易,對於執行規定亦不明確。

臺灣立法院於 2015年12月通過「學校衛生法(School Health Act)」修正案,禁止學校餐點使用含有基因轉殖作物所製成的食材及加工食品。臺灣並未提出本項禁令之科學基礎,一旦生效,將顯著衝擊美國黃豆出口。


Technical Barriers to Trade

Food – Mandatory Biotechnology Labeling

New biotechnology labeling regulations for prepackaged foods, food additives, and unpackaged foods were promulgated on May 2015. The regulations cover highly refined foods that are “directly” manufactured using biotechnology crops. For example, Taiwan has said corn syrup, made of biotechnology corn, must be labeled GE (genetically engineered), whereas a beverage made with corn syrup is exempt from GE labeling. The regulations impose a three percent labeling threshold (down from the previous five percent) for products containing biotechnology material. These regulations cover restaurants and catering establishments. The labeling requirements for prepackaged foods and food additives were implemented on December 31, 2015, and the requirements for unpackaged foods were implemented in three phases concluding on July 1, October 1, and December 31, 2015, respectively. The United States has continued to raise the lack of scientific basis for these labeling requirements, the potential impact on trade, and lack of clarity with respect to implementation at the October 1, 2015 Trade and Investment Framework Agreement (TIFA) Council meeting and WTO TBT Committee.

In December 2015, the Taiwanese legislature passed amendments to the School Health Act that would ban the use of biotechnology food ingredients and processed food with biotech ingredients in school meals. Taiwan has not provided any scientific basis for this ban. Once this policy takes effect, this ban could significantly impact U.S. soy exports.
