
【林鄭下台 撤回惡法 明日三罷】 ——民間人權陣線聲明


<p>一,今日香港黑色大遊行,甫開始已逼爆六條行車線,多個地鐵站要作出人流管制,市民未能在維園起點出發,結果市民要從炮台山、北角、金鐘、中環等地落車,再步行至原來的起點;此外,遊行人士及後更塞爆駱克道、告示打道、夏慤道等,遊行人數之巨,是九七年以來前所未見!</p><p>二,林鄭月娥至今死不悔改,以為召開記者會提出所謂「暫緩」修例,就可愚弄市民、平息民憤。結果是大批市民毫不退縮,再次走上街頭抗議,堅持撤回惡法,要求林鄭下台。面對龐大民憤,林鄭月娥竟然只透過新聞稿,為【政府工作上不足】致歉了事,並非為強推惡法和警方暴力鎮壓道歉,還強調繼續為市民服務,完全是侮辱和愚弄上街市民,香港人絕不收貨!</p><p>三,警方6月12日以致命武器鎮壓平民,至今仍然定性集會為暴動;今日大遊行證明,市民對警察暴行極度憤慨!民陣重申,以林鄭月娥為首的特區政府,必須追究開槍責任、取消定性暴動、不檢控示威者和釋放被捕人士!</p><p>四,由六月九日一百零三萬人上街至今短短一星期,市民一次又一次展示不撤不退的決心。民陣重申五大訴求:</p><p>1/完全撤回逃犯條例修訂;</p><p>2/追究警察開槍鎮壓;</p><p>3/不檢控和釋放反送中示威者</p><p>4/撤銷定性6月12日集會為暴動;</p><p>5/林鄭月娥問責下台。</p><p>如政府拒不回應,香港人絕不罷休,定會激發更多市民明日開始罷工、罷課、罷市;二百萬+1位市民一定會繼續出來遊行上街,直至政府回應人民訴求!</p><p>2019年6月16日</p><p>Step down, Carrie Lam! Withdraw the extradition bill! Strike tomorrow!<br />Statement from Civil Human Rights Front</p><p>1. The Black March today saw the opening of all six lanes from the beginning of the march; due crowd control arrangement in many MTR stations, citizens had to get off at Fortress Hill, North Point, Admiralty or Central Station, etc., and then walk to Victoria Park to start the demonstration. Furthermore, demonstrators filling up Lokhard Road, Gloucester Road and Harcourt Road marks an unprecedented number since 1997!</p><p>2. Carrie Lam has refused to apologise till this moment. She thought a suggesting a “postponement” at the press conference alone could fool the vast citizens and calm down the public rage. Truth is, citizens take to the street again, insisting to demand the withdrawal of the extradition bill and the resignation of Carrie Lam. Facing such public rage, Carrie Lam simply makes apology through a press release, for “the inadequate work of the government” but not for pushing to pass the bill or police’s crackdown on protesters. She even stressed that she would continue to serve the citizens. This is a total insult to and fooling the people who took to the street! Hong Konger will not accept this!</p><p>3. The police cracked down the protesters with lethal weapons on June 12 and yet still characterise the protest as riot. The demonstration today totally shows how furious the people are to the violence by the police. CHRF reiterates, the Hong Kong Government, lead by Carrie Lam, must hold accountable for the decision to shoot, retract the characterisation of the protest as riot, drop charges against protesters, and release the arrested persons.</p><p>4. June 6 saw 1.03 million citizens taking to the streets. In merely a week, citizens once again show their determination to demand the withdrawal of the extradition bill. CHRF reiterates the follow demands:</p><p>1/ complete withdrawal of the extradition bill;</p><p>2/ accountability for the decision to shoot;</p><p>3/ release of the arrested protesters and withdrawal of all charges;</p><p>4/ retraction of characterisation of the protester as riot;</p><p>5/ resignation of Carrie Lam.</p><p>Should the government refuse to respond, only more Hong Kongers will strike tomorrow; 2 million + 1 citizens will take to the street, until their voices are heard.</p><p>June 16, 2019</p>